
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Visual Journals First Pages

I've started a new Visual Journal. I know I've showed you the inside cover of this 2nd journal not long ago, and I wanted to show you both the first and second together.

The inside of the cover has "ONE" and "UN" (French) and "TWO", "DEUX", "2", and a few "2014" in the second.

Here's Journal #1

And Journal #2

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Monday, January 20, 2014

More Top Greeting Card Designs for 2013

More of the Best of with the PurpleCactus.

Here goes.
The Most Popular DESIGNS of 2013 in Greeting Cards, are:

1st - MOTHER'S DAY lovely Pink Crabapple
2nd - THINKING OF YOU adorable Goat

In the BIRTHDAY Category:

1st - Boat On The Beach
2nd - Three Ducks
3rd - Sunflower Bee

Click on any cards for more!
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Monday, January 13, 2014

New Visual Journal

I'm so excited about my NEW visual journal !!! - or mixed media sketchbook if you prefer.

This is the second, hence the inside cover. It's got "TWO" "DEUX" "2" and a few "2014" for good measure.

Lots of Fun Designs
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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Most Popular Greeting Card Designs of 2013

January means it's time for the BEST of 2013 series of posts!

Let's get started...

For the RiverbyNight GREETING CARD shop:

Most Popular BIRTHDAY Designs in 2013:

Interestingly, the #1 card is a Spanish B-Day card. In #2 and 3 spots are the humorous TOOT Pigs and B-Day in Dog Years. Looks like humor was a big draw for 2013. (cards are clickable)

Most Popular DESIGN in all other categories for 2013:

2nd - THINKING OF YOU Little Kitty
3rd - CHRISTMAS Santa's List

Lots of Fun Designs
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